Thursday, November 4, 2010

Local Fedora ARM Reprository

The repository is located over seas we will be hosting the RPMs locally for faster speeds.
This isn't hard to do but it does take some configurations to get it working.

Signing RPM packages
Generate a GPG key
user#gpg --gen-key
Get public key ~/.ssh
ADD the e-mail address assocoated with my gpg key to
the %_gpg_name macro in ~/.rpmmacros -- the line will look like this: %_gpg_name "e-mail-address
Sign those package
user#rpm --adsign phpMyAdmin-3.3.7-1.fc13.src.rpm

[ycshon@localhost rpmbuild]$ rpm --addsign phpMyAdmin-3.3.7-1.fc13.src.rpm
Enter pass phrase:
Pass phrase is good.
How to get GPG key